unas plex使用_如何在没有Internet访问的情况下使用Plex Media Server
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unas plex使用

unas plex使用

Internet connectivity is the heart of the Plex Media Server experience, but that doesn’t mean there are times (like during local outages or while vacationing away from reliable internet access) you need to go without Plex. Read on as we show you how to tweak things (and why it’s important to set things up before you need offline access).

互联网连接是Plex Media Server体验的核心,但这并不意味着有时(例如在本地中断期间或在远离可靠的互联网访问时),您需要没有Plex。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何进行调整(以及为什么需要脱机访问之前进行设置非常重要)。

One of the things people love the most about Plex is how streamlined the experience is—and that streamlining is centered around their Plex accounts, access to the remote Plex central server, and how that ties all their settings and user experience together. But for that experience to work, your computer needs to phone home to Plex and authenticate. If it can’t, well, the whole system grinds to a halt.

人们最喜欢Plex的事情之一就是体验的精简程度-精简的重点是他们的Plex帐户,对远程Plex中央服务器的访问以及如何将所有设置和用户体验联系在一起。 但是,要使这种体验有效,您的计算机需要打电话给Plex并进行身份验证。 如果不能,那么整个系统就会停顿下来。

Thankfully, there are two easy ways around the problem: tweaking how Plex uses the authentication system and, in special cases, falling back on the DLNA system as a backup. We recommend setting both up, as described in the sections below, to ensure you’re never left high and dry.

值得庆幸的是,有两种简单的方法可以解决该问题:调整Plex如何使用身份验证系统,在特殊情况下,可以依靠DLNA系统作为备份。 我们建议按照以下各节所述对两者进行设置,以确保您永远不会过高和干燥。

Before we proceed, there are two very important caveats. First and foremost, you must make these changes in advance. You have to be online and logged into your Plex account to make changes to your local Plex Media Server. There is no way around this. If you want to access your Plex Media Server when the internet is down, you must make the changes now before the server is offline.

在继续之前,有两个非常重要的警告。 首先, 您必须预先进行这些更改 。 您必须在线并登录到Plex帐户才能对本地Plex Media Server进行更改。 这没有办法。 如果要在Internet断开时访问Plex Media Server,则必须在服务器脱机之前立即进行更改。

Second, If you are using the Plex Home system, a premium feature that comes with the Plex Pass that allows you to set up user profiles for people in your home, there is no way to use that system offline with a Plex client. You can only use DLNA-capable clients (as described in the second section below) in the event of an internet outage, so skip down to those instructions.

其次,如果您使用的是Plex Home系统(Plex Pass附带的一项高级功能),该功能允许您为家中的人设置用户配置文件,则无法通过Plex客户端离线使用该系统。 如果互联网中断,您只能使用支持DLNA的客户端(如下文第二节所述),因此请跳至这些说明。

技巧一:在本地网络上禁用Plex身份验证 (Trick One: Disable Plex Authentication on Your Local Network)

The first order of business is to hop into your Plex Media Server via the web-based control panel, located, by default, at https://[your local servers IP]:32400 . Click on the wrench icon in the upper right corner to access your Settings menu.

首先要做的是通过基于Web的控制面板跳入Plex Media Server,该面板默认情况下位于https://[your local servers IP]:32400 。 单击右上角的扳手图标以访问“设置”菜单。

Within the Settings menu, click on the “Server” tab and, in addition, click on the “Show Advanced” button if you haven’t already enabled the advanced view in the past.


Select “Network” from the left-hand navigation bar.


Scroll down the “Network” settings page until you see the entry for “List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth”.


You can populate the box with two different types of entries. You can enter individual IP addresses separated by commas, or you can designate a whole block of IP addresses using a netmask. We’d recommend against using the individual IP address trick unless you have a pressing reason to do so, as it requires that every device on your network that you wish to give offline access to Plex have and that you enter all of them here.

您可以用两种不同类型的条目填充该框。 您可以输入以逗号分隔的单个IP地址,也可以使用网络掩码指定整个IP地址块。 除非您有紧迫的理由,否则我们建议您不要使用单个IP地址的技巧,因为它要求网络上希望对Plex进行脱机访问的每个设备都具有 ,并且您必须输入所有他们在这里。

A much easier way to approach it is to use a netmask, which is, simply, a way to specify multiple addresses. For example, if your local network uses IP addresses with the format 10.0.0.x, then you would want to enter:

一种更简单的方法是使用网络掩码,即简单地指定多个地址的方法。 例如,如果您的本地网络使用格式为10.0.0.x的IP地址,那么您需要输入:

This says, in netmask lingo, “all addresses from to”, which will encompass every available address on your local network.


If your local network uses 192.168.1.x, then you’d enter:


..and so on.


Make sure to save your changes, and you’re set. Your local Plex server will stay open for business even without an active internet connection to phone home.

确保保存您的更改,然后设置好。 即使没有与电话回家的有效互联网连接,您的本地Plex服务器也将保持营业。

技巧二:使用DLNA应用作为后备 (Trick Two: Use DLNA Apps as a Fallback)

In addition to disabling local authorization, as we did in the last section, there is an additional trick we want to take advantage of. There are some Plex clients that, despite our changes on the Plex server, still won’t work without authorization from the main Plex server. As of this tutorial, one of the more prominent examples of this problem is the official Plex app for Apple TV—even if you set up the IP configuration like we just did, the Apple TV client freaks out if it can’t access the internet.

除了禁用本地授权之外,就像我们在上一节中所做的那样,我们还想利用其他技巧。 尽管我们在Plex服务器上进行了更改,但仍有一些Plex客户端在没有主Plex服务器授权的情况下仍然无法工作。 在本教程中,此问题最突出的例子之一是Apple TV的官方Plex应用程序-即使像我们一样设置IP配置,Apple TV客户端也会因无法访问互联网而吓坏了。 。

To play it extra, extra, safe, we’re going to tap into a great fallback system: DLNA. DLNA is an older standard that allows local devices on your network to connect to each other for media access. By default, Plex should have DLNA turned on, but let’s confirm just to play it safe. In the same “Server” settings we accessed in the previous section, look for “DLNA” in the sidebar and select it.

为了额外, 额外 ,安全地播放它,我们将使用一个出色的后备系统:DLNA。 DLNA是较旧的标准,允许网络上的本地设备相互连接以进行媒体访问。 默认情况下,Plex应该已打开DLNA,但为了安全起见,请确认一下。 在上一节中访问的相同“服务器”设置中,在边栏中查找“ DLNA”并选择它。

In the DLNA section, ensure that “Enable the DLNA server” is checked.

在“ DLNA”部分中,确保选中“启用DLNA服务器”。

Although using Plex Media Server as a DLNA server doesn’t give you the full Plex experience, it does give you access to all your media. Any DLNA-capable media player or client on your local network will automatically detect your Plex server and you’ll be able to access your media.

尽管将Plex Media Server用作DLNA服务器并不能为您提供完整的Plex体验,但确实可以使您访问所有媒体。 本地网络上任何具有DLNA功能的媒体播放器或客户端都将自动检测您的Plex服务器,并且您将能够访问媒体。

If, for example, you have an Apple TV and you’re frustrated that the main Plex app doesn’t work without internet access, you can still access the movies and shows on your Plex server with a DLNA-compatible app, like VLC. In fact, , you can even see our Plex media server in some of the screenshots, courtesy of the DLNA integration.

例如,如果您有一台Apple TV,并且对没有Internet访问功能而无法运行Plex主应用程序感到沮丧,则仍可以使用兼容DLNA的应用程序(例如VLC)访问Plex服务器上的电影和节目。 实际上, ,由于DLNA集成,您甚至可以在一些屏幕截图中看到我们的Plex媒体服务器。

After checking to ensure DLNA is on, take a moment to go through your favorite apps and even the manuals for your smart TV and media receivers to look for any mention of “DLNA” or “UPnP”. Read up on how those features work and test them out with your Plex Media Server so when the internet goes out, you’ll be ready to go.

在检查以确保DLNA处于打开状态之后,花点时间浏览您喜欢的应用程序,甚至是智能电视和媒体接收器的手册,以查找是否提及“ DLNA”或“ UPnP”。 阅读这些功能的工作原理,并使用Plex Media Server对其进行测试,以便在Internet出故障时就可以使用了。

That’s all there is to it: with two little tweaks to your Plex Media Server software you’re not ready to access your media even if the internet is down or you’ve packed up your entire Plex installation to a cabin far from civilization.

这就是全部内容:对Plex Media Server软件进行了两个小调整,即使Internet断开或者您将整个Plex安装包打包到远离文明的机舱中,您也无法访问媒体。


unas plex使用


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